FAQ Guest User FAQ Guest User

What is an Attack Ability? What can target the Angel of Retribution?

We get asked this a lot, especially for the Angel of Retribution. It is such a hard summon to deal with, and knowing what can - and cannot - attack it is super important. First off you need to know what an Attack ability is.

An Attack ability is any ability that has the word “Attack” in it. The Angel’s Attack ability is her “HOLY RANGE ATTACK [6]”. All Attack abilities are written the same way. The words on the left side of the word “Attack” are the damage types, and the number in the brackets [] is the amount of damage the Attack ability deals.

An additional keyword that can show up in an Attack ability is “Area”, which will show up at the beginning of the Attack ability - like in the case of Bolt Shot. Area Attack abilities deal damage to everything within that awareness - these do not target a creature within the awareness.

To answer the question of what can target the Angel of Retribution? Due to its Aerial ability, the Angel can only be targeted by any Attack ability that has the word “RANGE” in it. It can also be targeted by any Attack ability that has “AREA” because it does not target the Angel. Also, all other abilities can target the Angel - such as “CAST” abilities such as Chain Lightning or even Idiris’s Fire Ball ability.

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Guest User Guest User

Can I rotate when...

Question: I’ve been asked a lot “can I rotate when I jump?” or “can I rotate my opponent when I toss them?” or similar questions.

Answer: No. Unless is specifically says, “rotate” you cannot rotate. The only exception to this is Dodge which “advances” you and an advance contains both a “Move” and a “Rotate”. Otherwise, you just move or just rotate.

Also, things like Smoke Bomb and Decoy Rabbit do not rotate you either.

Thank you for the question.

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Guest User Guest User

If I am exhausted, can I still play swifts?

"If my champion moves once only then passes the turn over would this exhaust my champion or would I be able to use my swift later?" - Steveo


Yes, they are exhausted. However, being exhausted does not stop you from playing swifts. The only abilities you cannot play when exhausted are abilities that have the cost, "Exhaust".

Example, if you are Malik and you move once then end your turn you are now exhausted and cannot use his Basic Attack [2] ability. However, if you have a cross punch in hand, you can still play it because the cost is Energy 2 and does not cost Exhaust. 

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Can summons and champions attack an alteration?

Yes, they can.

All alterations have a health, just like a champion or summon, and because of that they can be attacked, targeted, and take damage by area of effect spells, like Demon's Rage. If a champion plays Demon's Rage and an alteration is within its awareness, it will take damage from it. 

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Guest User Guest User

What is the difference between "move" and "place"?

There is a key difference between "move" and "place" which is whether or not the spot you are relocating to is occupied or not.

The conditions for moving is that you can only move to a spot that is unoccupied (ie. does not have a champion or summon on it). However, being placed onto a spot does not care if the spot is occupied or not.

In the case of Teleportation, you can go to any spot on the board regardless if it occupied or not. The same is true for beckoning a summon. Because the rules for beckoning states, "Place this summon on a spot adjacent to you, facing the same direction as you, then exhaust it." So you could, in theory, beckon multiple summons onto the same spot.

However, in the case of Jump, you can only move onto a spot that is unoccupied. Thus, if you are going to place Jump and all of those spots are occupied you would not be able to move anywhere.

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Guest User Guest User

Am I able to move onto an Alteration?


In general, yes you can.

Alterations are cards that modify a particular spot in the Arena. However, Alterations do not occupy that spot, and as such, there is nothing in the rules for movement that would stop you from moving onto that spot.

However, like all rules, there are exceptions. For example, Fortification occupies the spot that it is on and because of that you would not be able to move onto that spot. 

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FAQ Guest User FAQ Guest User

Can I kill Death Eater before Death's Touch claims its victim?

Answer: Yes you can.


After Death Eater enters the arena, the Death Touch ability goes onto the stack. In response to the Death Touch ability, champions and summons can respond with any swift ability. Thus, if a Death Eater enters the arena within a champion or summon's awareness and that champion or summon can deal the Death Eater for 4 damage at Swift speed, then the Death Eater will die before Death Touch is resolved, removing it from the stack. 


To know how to do it you'll have to understand a few details about the stack. To put something onto the stack you need to fulfill the following two criteria:

  1. All costs have to be paid
  2. All targets have to be declared and they have to be legal targets

But once it is on the stack, it does not resolve immediately allowing responses to that ability.

The important thing to note is that for an ability to be resolved from the stack two criterias need to be met:

  1. All targets needs to still legal targets
  2. The source of the ability needs to still be in the arena

Thus, if a Death Eater is killed before Death Touch is resolved the second clause for removing something from the stack is not met and the ability is removed from the stack without being resolved. 

66-Death Eater.jpg
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FAQ Guest User FAQ Guest User

Can I move twice and attack?

Yes and no...

If you move twice during your move phase you skip your main phase and go straight to your end phase. The moment your end phase ends, you exhaust the champion or summon who was active. However, at the beginning of the end phase, you can play any abilities you want that are swift speed.

Most attack abilities are swift speed, with the exception being Heavy Attacks, which are always action speed. So, yes, you can use any swift speed attack ability you want after moving twice - as long as you can pay the cost for it.

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FAQ Guest User FAQ Guest User

If I want to attack and there is a spot with multiple things on it, do I get to attack them all?

This depends on the ability you're attacking with...

If it is an attack ability, like Ra'Ha's Range Attack [2] ability, then you will only pick one target on that spot and deal 2 damage to that target. 

But if you're doing an area attack ability, like Ra'Ha's Area Range Attack [1], then you end up dealing 1 damage to everything in her awareness. This will include each entity on each spot in her awareness.

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